Online Workshop
"A fresh start? Review of the German EU Council Presidency and analysis of the EU Asylum and Migration Pact"
January 8, 2021
As part of the FFVT project, the CHREN organizes a workshop on January 8th of 2021. In this workshop, the new proposals for an EU Migration and Asylum Pact by the EU Commission and the achievements of the German EU Council Presidency in this regard, were discussed in two panels. For the first panel, Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel and Dr. Lorenz Wiese invited Anuscheh Farahat (CHREN), Gerald Knaus (European Stability Initiative) and Daniel Thym (University of Konstanz / SVR), and for the second panel, Luise Amtsberg (MdB, Die Grünen), Lena Düpont (MdEP, CDU), Cornelia Ernst (MdEP, Die Linke), and Birgit Sippel (MdEP, SPD).
Friday, January 8, 2021
Panel 1
Anuscheh Farahat (Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Gerald Knaus (European Stability Initiative)
Daniel Thym (Universität Konstanz / SVR)
Moderation: Petra Bendel
Panel 2
Luise Amtsberg (MdB, Die Grünen)
Lena Düpont (MdEP, CDU)
Cornelia Ernst (MdEP, Die Linke)
Birgit Sippel (MdEP, SPD)
Moderation: Lorenz Wiese
Prior registration is not required.