Recent activities
IMISCOE Spring Conference
March 17 - 19, 2025, Danube University, Krems
IMISCOE Standing Committee Forced Migration and Refugees (SCFMR) is organsing a panel on the “Nexus between forced migration and irregularity: impact of policies and ambiguities of knowledge production” (presenters Franck Düvell (UOS), Marta Jaroszewicz (UoW), Lukas Marian Fuchs and Samuel Z. Hagos (both DeZIM), Cecilia Estrada (UPC), Jana Schröder (GCA) and Sonja Fransen (IISS)) at the IMISCOE Spring Conference “The regularity of irregularity” at Danube University, Krems, 17-19/3.
Past activities
FFVT on point: Ukrainian Forced Displacement – Challenges and Prospects Three Years on
February 24, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Three years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, around 10 million people remain displaced. As the war persists, uncertainty grows among displaced persons, and the number of returnees has declined compared to two years ago. While several million displaced persons have already returned, often due to unviable conditions in other parts of the country, but also abroad, the majority has now been uprooted for two to three years.
Es geht auch anders! Gemeinsam einen neuen Ansatz für Migration und Flucht entwickeln
December 12, 2024, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Theater am Domhof, Osnabrück
Wie gelingt es, Migration nicht länger als Problem darzustellen und eine gesellschaftliche und politische Neuausrichtung anzustoßen, die die Menschenrechte in den Mittelpunkt stellt? Derzeit gibt es zahlreiche Verschärfungen in der Flucht- und Migrationspolitik, die tiefgreifende Konsequenzen haben. Diese Entwicklungen nehmen wir in Kooperation mit der Studierendeninitiative “ThinkTank Migrationspolitik”, Seebrücke Osnabrück und Exil e.V. zum Anlass, um einen Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik als zentrale Akteure zu initiieren. (in German)
FFVT on point: Flucht und Vertreibung in und um Israel/Palästina – historische und gegenwärtige Dynamiken
September 25, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM, IMIS
Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and Israel's subsequent military offensive in the Gaza Strip resulted in widespread displacement and flight. In the Gaza Strip, over 1.5 million Palestinians were and are fleeing attacks by the Israeli military, while thousands of people in Israel have left their homes for fear of attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah. How did flight and expulsion shape the history of Israel and Palestine? What role does this history play in the current conflict and in its political and emotional charge, which extends far beyond the region? How can we talk about these forced migrations and the suffering associated with them without creating and reinforcing polarisation? FFVT on point takes a closer look at these historical and current dynamics of flight and displacement.
5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies
September 16 - 18, 2024
Forced migration and displacement in the context of violent conflicts and natural disasters have been on the rise for years. At the same time, right-wing populist voices against immigration and people seeking protection are gaining attention and influence in many countries.
„Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit“
August 19, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM, Martin-Luther-Allee 42, 53175 Bonn
***The event will be held in German***
Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperationen zwischen Ländern mit hohem, mittlerem und niedrigem Einkommen sind ein wichtiges Ziel in der Wissenschaft. Damit Wissenschaftskooperationen noch erfolgreicher durchgeführt werden können, stellt die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission am 19. August 2024 ihr Positionspaper „Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit“ in Bonn vor. Das Event wird gemeinsam von der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission und dem German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) mit seinem Verbundprojekt Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer (FFVT) veranstaltet. Eine Teilnahme ist in Präsenz oder via Zoom möglich.
FFVT International Summer School on Forced Migration and Governance on the topic of "Climate (Im-)Mobility
July 15 - 20, 2024
The next FFVT International Summer School on Forced Migration and Governance will take place at Nuremberg´s Imperial Castle from 15 to 20 July 2024 and is hosted by the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN). This year the interdisciplinary Summer School deals with the topic of "Climate (Im-)Mobility". The call for applications is open. The application deadline is April, 24th 2024. Please find attached the call for applications for further information and how to apply. The link to the FFVT Summer School website:
FFVT at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference
July 2 - 5, 2024, ISCTE campus,
IMISCOE is the world's largest migration research network with 68 member institutes. Around 1500 researchers regularly take part in the annual conferences. In 2024, the conference will take place from 2-5 July in Lisbon, FFVT will be represented with two panels.
Forced Migration, Conflict, International Protection: The »Report Globale Flucht 2024« Provides Orientation in an Complex Field (in German)
June 19, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Zoom-Webinar
The global scale of flight and displacement is high. Impacts can be observed at all levels in regions of origin, transit and destination, including encounters, negotiations and conflicts on the ground. The complex interrelationships of displacement can be better understood by focussing on different regions, times and actors. The annual "Global Displacement Report" provides guidance in this regard.
Report Globale Flucht 2024 published (in German)
May 29, 2024
Im Fokus der diesjährigen Ausgabe steht die EU-Flüchtlingspolitik mit der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems. In verschiedenen Rubriken analysieren Expertinnen und Experten zentrale Fragen des Fluchtgeschehen auf globaler Ebene. Auch regionale Schwerpunkte werden gesetzt: So enthält die Publikation Hintergrundberichte aus der Ukraine, der Türkei, dem Iran und der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. In der Rubrik „Fluchtziel Deutschland“ werden unter anderem Herausforderungen rund um die Aufnahme und Integration auf kommunaler Ebene sowie die Situation ukrainischer Geflüchteter beleuchtet.
Vorstellung des Report Globale Flucht 2024 auf der Bundespressekonferenz (in German)
May 27, 2024
Am 27.5.2024 stellten Petra Bendel (CHREN), Franck Düvell (IMIS), Julia Leininger (IDOS) und Benjamin Etzold (bicc) die aktuelle Ausgabe des Report Globale Flucht auf der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin vor.
Interdisciplinary Online Lecture Series: Care beyond borders:
May 16 – June 27, 2024
Th lecture series "Care beyond borders: Exploring impacts of migration, displacement and inclusion for the care and nursing sector" will take place on May 16th, June 6th and June 27th. The lecture series is organized in collaboration between two projects of the Center for Human Rights at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg: The leading project “Gesundheit! Inclusion in the care and nursing sector”, funded by Stiftung Mercator and the joint project “FFVT: Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer“, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Please find attached the flyer for more information.
Conceptualising the Agency of Forced Migrants: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
April 5, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, IMIS Osnabrück
In this workshop, which is jointly organized by the SFB 1604 “Production of Migration” and the DFG-Project “Negotiating Resettlement”, we will discuss interdisciplinary and reflexive approaches to researching the agency of forced migrants in the past and present.
3. Roundtable Forced Migration Studies on "What moves Bonn? Exploring our City in the Context of (Forced) Migration”
March 14, 2024, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM, MIGRApolis
- Forced Migration
We, an initiative between the University of Bonn, the Bonn Centre for Conflict Studies, and the Bonner Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelles Lernen, cordially invite researchers from all disciplines and institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions, think tanks), practitioners from NGOs, associations, policy or the city administration, and representatives of migrant communities to our Third Roundtable on Forced Migration Studies. In this roundtable, we will jointly explore the City of Bonn in the context of (forced) migration.
Irreguläre Migration im Kontext von Asyl in Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung vorhandener Daten und Informationen (in German)
March 7, 2024
Der Workshop findet im Rahmen des EU Horizon 2020 Projektes „MEASURING IRREGULAR MIGRATION“ statt, welches IMIS als Teil der FFVT-Forschungsvernetzungsaktivitäten gemeinsam mit 17 weiteren internationalen Partnern eingeworben hat. Ein Teil des Projektes befasst sich explizit mit der dem Zusammenhang von zwangsweiser und irregulärer Migration, wie etwa der unerlaubten Einreise von Schutzsuchenden, dem unerlaubten Verbleiben im Land nach abgelehntem Asylantrag, dem Status der Duldung, aber auch den Wegen in die Regularität.
Die Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems: Durchbruch oder Desaster? (in German)
February 7, 2024, 1:30 PM, Online
Mit vier Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments aus unterschiedlichen Fraktionen diskutieren wir darüber, wie sie die Reform einschätzen, welche Spielräume für die letzten, noch ausstehenden Verhandlungen vor den Europawahlen im Juni 2024 noch bestehen und was sie von der Umsetzung der europäischen Gesetze in den Mitgliedstaaten erwarten.
Brown Bag Lecture \ Neither Here, Nor There: An Ethnographic Research on The Impact of Displacement on Familial Ties for Syrian Refugees in Germany
December 19, 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Online via Zoom
Forced displacement is one of the most damaging experiences that any human being can undergo. For refugees, leaving behind their homes, families, friends and everything that made them feel at home can have profound and long-lasting consequences. In this Brown Bag Lecture, Shaden Sabouni will focus on exploring the transformation of familial ties among Syrian refugees in the shadow of the severe social changes they face in Germany.
Brown Bag Lecture: Conflict-induced Displacement and Translocal Coping Strategies Among Internally Displaced Persons in Urban Ethiopia
December 18, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, BICC
The projects “Return and Belonging after Conflict-induced Displacement (RE-MIG)” and “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT)” are organising a Brown Bag Lecture on "Conflict-induced Displacement and Translocal Coping Strategies Among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Urban Ethiopia" held by Dereje Regasa.
Promoting Evidence-based Implementation of the GCR through Teaching, Research and Solidarity
December 12, 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Geneva & online
Co-hosted by the Government of Brazil, the Government of Canada, and the Graduate Institute (IHEID), in partnership with UNHCR, the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), and the International Development and Research Centre (IDRC), this linked event is part of the Global Refugee Forum session on Shifting Power and Expanding Refugee Access to Higher Education and Self-Reliance Multi-Stakeholder Pledges.
Pre-GRF Academic Workshop: Evidence-based implementation of the GCR: What role for academia?
December 11, 2023, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, Geneva
Co-hosted by the Graduate Institute, the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) and Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT), this workshop aims to facilitate exchange among researchers on common issues related to the role of academic research in advancing the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).
2nd Roundtable Forced Migration Studies on “Research-policy Relations in the Context of (Forced) Migration”
December 7, 2023, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Bonner Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn
We cordially invite researchers from all disciplines and institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions, think tanks) as well as practitioners and experts from NGOs, associations, policy, etc. to our Second Roundtable on (Forced) Migration Studies. This roundtable will focus on research-policy relations in the context of (forced) migration.
Ukraine: 21 Months of Displacement – What Do We Know So Far?
November 27 - 28, 2023, IMIS Osnabrück, online
After 21 months of war driven displacement in and from Ukraine and even longer lasting research on relating topics, it is time for an interim summary. In this two-day workshop we aimed to (a) take stock of the state of research on forced migration and integration of displaced persons in and from Ukraine, (b) facilitate feeding evidence into the public domain, and (c) identify research gaps and encourage future research collaboration.
- Workshop Report (PDF)
- Summary of the Panel Debate (PDF)
- Key Messages from the Panel Debate (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Parusel Sweden (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Bülbül Turkey (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Poetzschke; Weiß Families in D and PL (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Siegert; Tanis Regional Distribution (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Ratzmann Womens Perspective (PDF)
- Paper Abstract Ancite-Jepifánova Family Reunification (PDF)
Equitable International Research Cooperation – From affirmations to practice
October 23 - 24, 2023, Bonn
Ensuring equitable research collaboration between partners from low-, middle-, and high-income countries is emphatically affirmed by all guiding strategy documents of Germany’s foreign and research policy. One pertinent example is the Africa Strategy of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which highlights the need for a joint development and implementation of research activities with partners from low- and middle-income countries.
During their joint workshop, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and the German Commission for UNESCO will invite experts to discuss concrete recommendations on what framework conditions are needed such that research collaboration (including also local stakeholders from low- and middle-income countries) can live up to the affirmation of equity. Individually selected experts from ministries and research funders as well as scientists, including from the field of development and forced migration research, will be invited to join the debate.
***Participation by invitation only.***
Roundtable on Forced Displacement and Migration related Research in Bonn
May 17, 2023, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Bonner Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn
Join us for an interdisciplinary roundtable discussion on forced displacement and migration-related research. The objective of the roundtable is to provide a platform to share your work and information about projects, publications, and research interests. We will also provide information on the next conference of the FFVT project and the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, which will take place in Bonn in September 2024. This international conference is a chance to present work undertaken by scholars based in Bonn on issues related to forced migration research.
Perspektiven der Moderne - Konflikte um Grenzen und Mobilität Vortragsreihe des Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) im Sommersemester 2023
April 26 – June 21, 2023, Bonner Universitätsforum
Die Vortragsreihe versammelt Expert*innen zu Themen der zivilen Seenotreung genauso wie zu Fluchtrouten, demokraetheoretischen Fragen und sozialen Bewegungen, die aus jeweils unterschiedlichen Disziplinen Konflikte um Grenzen und Mobilität beleuchten. Die Vortragsreihe wird von Mitgliedern der Forschungsgruppe Zivile Seenotrettung als Kristallisationspunkt des Streits um Demokratie (ZivDem) in Kooperation mit BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) und FFVT durchgeführt.
New "Report Globale Flucht" published at S. Fischer Verlag
April 26, 2023
The Report Global Flight is the first regularly published German-language publication on the topic of flight. It is published annually by the joint project "Flight and Refugee Research: Networking and Transfer" (FFVT). This is the start of a new series on one of the most pressing issues of our time. The annual Refugee Report provides in-depth knowledge on global refugee movements and their consequences. The focus in 2023 is on flight as a result of the Ukraine war.
Lived transnationalism in times of violent conflict – Cross-border connections and mobilities of people, goods and capital
March 27 - 28, 2023, Bonn
On 27/28 March 2023, BICC hosts the interdisciplinary symposium “Lived transnationalism in times of violent conflict – Cross-border connections and mobilities of people, goods and capital” in Bonn. The symposium is organized by the FFVT project in cooperation with the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA). It aims to provide a space of engagement for both established scholars and PhD candidates in the fields of (forced) migration studies as well as peace and conflict studies, who are working on the transnational entanglements of diverse actors in violent conflicts. Short proposals should be sent until 31 January 2023 to .... For further information on the symposium please contact Dr Benjamin Etzold: .... The call for papers with the central questions we want to address and background information on the format of the symposium and a PhD Training can be found here:
(Hybrid) Systemrelevant und systemisch benachteiligt? (Flucht-)Migration und Gesundheit: Zugang, Teilhabe und Beschäftigung (in German)
March 14 at 1:00 PM – March 15 at 2:00 PM, 2023, Kollegienhaus der FAU (KH 0.024) & Online
Die unterschiedlichen Schnittstellen von Gesundheit und Migration stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser gemeinsamen, zweitägigen Veranstaltung des Verbundprojekts „Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer“ (FFVT) und des Projekts „Gesundheit! Teilhabe im Gesundheits- und Pflegesektor“ am Centre for Human Rights ErlangenNürnberg (CHREN).
Die Hybridtagung am 14. und 15. März 2023 dient dem Austausch zwischen Gesundheits- und Migrationsexpert:innen sowie der Vernetzung von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Sie bietet Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, sich über eigene Erfahrungen, innovative Lösungsansätze und bewährte Praktiken auszutauschen.
Expert Roundtable (hybrid): The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) in Ethiopia: Meaningful Involvement of Regional and District Governments
February 27, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, IDOS, Bonn and online
In 2017, Ethiopia initiated a policy shift aimed at phasing out the purely camp-based approach to refugee response in the country. Following this decision, the country has become one of the implementing countries of the CRRF. However, the issues of local participation and involving the voices of local actors in shaping efforts to find more predictable and inclusive solutions to the protracted plight of refugees have been the subject of recent academic and political debates.
The roundtable brings together researchers and practitioners active in Ethiopia and beyond. The event features inputs from experts representing the four co-organising institutes, Gambella University, Jijiga University, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and the DeZIM Institute, and the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS).
The event starts at 14:00h CET / 15:00h EAT.
Promoting localised research and equitable partnerships in Forced Migration Studies at the UN High Commissioner’s Dialogue
December 7 - 8, 2022, International Conference Centre in Geneva (CICG)
On 7 and 8 December 2022, the cooperation project Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT) participates in the United Nations High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges: Development Cooperation in Geneva. At this event, FFVT joins forces with international partner institutions and networks active in the field of Forced Migration Studies to contribute an innovation lab that highlights the relevance of localised research and knowledge production, equitable partnerships, the promotion of research infrastructure in countries of the Global South, and the active participation of refugees in research processes. This kind of locally grounded research is crucial for humanitarian and particularly development endeavours, as it strengthens local research capacities and, through appropriate local participation throughout the research process, it leads to context-specific solutions that enable more tailored policy advice.
In order to advance the issues of localised research and equitable partnerships in Forced Migration Studies, FFVT works together with the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the UNHCR Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), and the UNHCR Sergio Vieira de Mello Academic Chairs.
Grenzen, Polizei, Strafjustiz: Rassismuskritische Perspektiven/ Borders, policing, criminal courts: Anti-racist perspectives (CHREN Kolloquium, hybrid, in German)
December 7, 2022, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Hörsaal Kollegienhaus (KH 1.020)
Vortragsreihe Klimawandel und Migration (hybrid, in German)
December 1, 2022 – February 2, 2023, JDC R 1.281, Schillerstr. 1, 91054 Erlangen
In Kooperation mit der FAU Human Rights Clinic veranstaltet FFVT in Erlangen eine Vortragsreihe zum Themenkomplex Klimawandel und Migration. Bei der ersten Veranstaltung werden Fragen hierzu aus der Perspektive der Geographie, Klimatologie und Klimaethik diskutiert. Migrationsforscher Benjamin Schraven spricht in seinem Vortrag über internationale und regionale Antworten auf klimainduzierte Migration. Am letzten Termin kontextualisiert Raphaela Schweiger die Ergebnisse der UN-Klimakonferenz in Sharm El-Sheikh zum Thema.
Online- sowie Präsenzteilnahme sind möglich, für beides ist keine Anmeldung notwendig.
FFVT on point: Displaced and disconnected? Rohingya refugees‘ search for a future in Bangladesh and beyond
October 25, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
In this online discussion invited experts share insights from their research or practical work with displaced Rohingyas in South and Southeast Asia. The 1½ -hour debate will inform the audience about the current situation and discuss fields of action for progressive refugee protection, humanitarian aid, and development cooperation.
Forced migration and refugee studies in the East. Is there a need for acknowledging the Global East as yet another epistemic concept?
October 17 - 18, 2022
Recent wars in Ukraine and Armenia or the refugee drama on the Belarusian border require reconsidering how we think about the world. Notably, the simple binary of the Global North and the Global South epistemologically disregards the experiences of the post-Soviet countries and generally the Global East. This workshop aims (a) to sketch the state-of-the-art of forced migration research on the countries east of the EU, (b) to discuss the concept of the Global East and (c) to consider how to facilitate and expand research collaboration and research.
4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies
September 28 - 30, 2022, Chemnitz
The network conference is considered as a means for communication and networking of researchers in the field of forced migration.
In 2022, it is organized at TU Chemnitz by the Chair of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Research, led by Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius, in cooperation with the German Network for Forced Migration Studies and FFVT.
An overview of dates with FFVT participation and other actors of the FFVT consortium partners can be found here.
- Keynote by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh: "Forced Migration Studies at a Crossroads"
- Keynote by Viktoria Sereda and Franck Düvell: "Ukrainian refugees: distorted perspectives and competing post-colonialisms"
- Commentary by Anila Noor: "Migration Research as Social Criticism or Do we need more Social Criticism in Forced Migration Research?"
- Conference programme
- Panel overview
Forced Migration Studies and Policy Dialogue: Promoting New Ways of Knowledge Production and Policy Transfer
September 15, 2022, 2:00 PM - 6:15 PM, Online
In recent years, both the cooperation project Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT) and the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) have been actively building strong international networks consisting of Southern and Northern, Eastern and Western academic experts with and without lived forced migration experience, with extensive outreach to the policy world at local, national and international levels and a wealth of knowledge from development-related research. Also, they bring together a broad forced migration research expertise, seeking innovative responses to current challenges.
This workshop, conceptualised in German-Canadian cooperation, addresses the relevance and value of contextualised, localised and evidence-based knowledge about forced migration and equitable (research) partnerships for a more informed political decision-making by national and international actors.
***Participation by invitation only.***
Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue
September 1, 2022, 4:30 PM - 10:00 PM, Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
Cities are key sites for understanding migrant integration and refugee protection around the world. While nation states typically claim authority over the selection and acceptance of migrants and refugees, cities tend to be the places where migrants and refugees integrate into the social fabric of society, where they participate in economic and social life, and where they develop a sense of belonging. In fact, many cities protect and include inhabitants who are denied legal status by nation states. These cities are known internationally by many names, such as sanctuary cities, solidarity cities, or cities of welcome. “Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue” brings together international experts, practitioners, and policy makers to present diverse approaches and experiences on the capacity of cities to support vulnerable migrants and refugees.
Brown Bag Lecture \ Beyond Humanitarian Aid: Is there a role for civil society to resolve refugee crises? A case study of Rohingya refugees
August 16, 2022, Online
Based on his research experiences, in this Brown Bag Lecture, Palash Kamruzzaman will focus on the Rohingya refugee crisis as a case study and share his views on the potential role(s) of civil society towards a dignified and sustained solution to the crisis.
FFVT Summer School 2022 "Displacement, Governance and Human Rights"
July 10 - 15, 2022, Nürnberg
How has international refugee law evolved, which gaps remain and how can we address them? How are refugees protected in the different regions of Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East? Which challenges are refugees exposed to locally? These and many additional questions are at the core of the FFVT Summer School 2022 "Displacement, Governance and Human Rights".
FFVT on point: Northern Syria. Syrian Refugees and the Prospects of Return
July 7, 2022
A FFVT on point on 7 July 2022, 12-13:30 takes a look at the situation in northern Syria and the possible forced return of Syrian refugees from Turkey. We will speak with Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Efe, Kilis University, Dr. Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek, BICC and Dr. Sinem Adar, CATS/SWP.
Rethinking international research partnerships: from old hierarchies to new forms of co-creation
June 30, 2022, 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM, 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Oslo/hybrid
With this intervention at the 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference 2022, the joint project "Forced Migration and Refugee Research: Networking and Knowledge Transfer" (FFVT) exchanged with international scholars from Forced Migration Studies on how to rethink international research cooperation and, more importantly, how to do it in a more equitable and participatory manner.
"Refugees beyond the headlines: Navigating emerging and protracted challenges in 2022", Public debate on World Refugee Day, 20 June 2022
June 20, 2022, online
20 June marks World Refugee Day! Wars and violent conflicts, persecution, poverty, climate change and many other issues contribute to people having to leave their regions of origin and seek safety elsewhere. To reflect on new and protracted issues, eight institutions partner for a roundtable discussion entitled Refugees beyond the headlines: Navigating emerging and protracted challenges in 2022.
Date: 20 June 2022, 4-5.30 pm (CEST)
Brown Bag Lecture \ Deprovincialising Kurdish Politics: Forced Migration and Activism Across Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe
May 24, 2022, Online
Looking at the two recent episodes of mass displacement of Kurds (1990s and mid-2010s) carried out by the Turkish state, the Brown Bag Lecture on 24 May 2022 (11am to 12pm, CET), will shed light on how forced displacement influences the dynamics of political mobilisation in Kurdish contentious politics. Gülay Kilicaslan will discuss the role of forced displacement in transforming the dynamics of contentious politics and the politics of scale in the processes of actors’ mobilisation in a settler–colonial context.
The transformative potential of inclusive and localized refugee and forced displacement research
May 24, 2022, Online
The online discussion took place on 24 May 2022, 14:00-16:00 (CEST). The discussants explored how academic findings and initiatives that can support decision-making processes improve the lives of refugees, forcibly displaced persons, and host communities.
The event was organised by the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), co-convened by UNHCR and the University of Essex.
James F. Hollifield: Varieties of Migration States
May 17, 2022, hybrid event: Senatssaal, Kollegienhaus Erlangen /
On May 17th, 6-7:30pm CET, migration policy expert J. Hollifield presents some of his latest observations and ideas. His book “Varieties of Migration States”, which is based on 40 years of work around the globe, proposes a new interdisciplinary research agenda.
Parlamentarischer Abend: Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung im Gespräch - Deutschlands Umgang mit weltweiter Flucht und Vertreibung: Wie weiter mit Resettlement und humanitärer Aufnahme?
May 12, 2022, Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft, Berlin
Der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine hat die dramatischen Folgen von Flucht und Vertreibung erneut in das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gerückt. Die grenzüberschreitende Flüchtlingsbewegung aus der Ukraine ist die am schnellsten wachsende seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg – und doch ist sie nur eine von (zu) vielen massiven Fluchtkrisen der letzten drei Jahrzehnte. Der weitaus größte Teil aller Geflüchteten weltweit hat Zuflucht in den Ländern des Globalen Südens gefunden, oftmals nahe ihrer Heimat.
Vor diesem Hintergrund veranstaltet FFVT unter der Schirmherrschaft des Parlamentarischen Staatssekretärs beim BMBF, Dr. h.c. Thomas Sattelberger, einen Parlamentarischen Abend zum Thema „Deutschlands Umgang mit weltweiter Flucht und Vertreibung: Wie weiter mit Resettlement und humanitärer Aufnahme?“ mit Kurzvorträgen von Wissenschaftler*innen aus FFVT, Diskussionen und der Möglichkeit des Austauschs.
*** Dies ist eine geschlossene Veranstaltung. Eine Teilnahme ist ausschließlich auf Einladung möglich. ***
FFVT on point: Forced Migration in and out of Ukraine – some (lesser known) facets
April 4, 2022
Five million people are fleeing to and from Ukraine. But what is the composition of this heterogeneous group? Where are the people taking themselves to safety? What role do post-Soviet migration networks play in civil society reception in Germany? FVVT on point focuses on facets that have received less attention so far.
FFVT on point: The situation of forced migration and durable solutions in Ethiopia
March 7, 2022, Online
Ethiopia faces a forced migration crisis. With close to a million refugees and over 4 million IDPs within its borders, Ethiopia is on the top list of refugee and IDP-hosting countries. the conflict that erupted in Ethiopia’s Tigray region has deteriorated the situation of forced migrants in Ethiopia and added to the numbers of forcibly displaced people in Ethiopia. Therefore, FFVT on point takes up the issue to discuss and assess the current situation together with Ethiopian scholars with expertise on the topic.
Ukraine: War & Flight: Exchange and Discussion
March 3, 2022
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the IMIS and FFVT invite you to an event in which IMIS members Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener and Dr. Franck Düvell each gave an input on the current situation: Ulrich Schneckener with a conflict analysis from a political science perspective and Franck Düvell, who was in Ukraine until a few days ago, on questions of borders, flight and migration.
Going local: refugees'/migrants’ integration processes at the local level. Italo-German experiences in the European context
February 9 - 11, 2022, Villa Vigoni
The purpose of the colloquium is to discuss migrants’/refugees’ integration processes at the local level, highlighting barriers and enablers, as well as the recent trend toward a (g)localisation of refugee/migration research from an Italo-German perspective. The networking workshop is hosted by the CHREN as part of the FFVT project in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Veronica Federico (Università degli Studi di Firenze | UniFI).
Brown Bag Lecture \ Nothing about us without us
February 1, 2022, Online
Based on her lived experiences, in this Brown Bag Lecture Anila Noor will share her reflections on the Global Compact on Refugees, and Participation of Refugee of Global Regime.
FFVT Scholarly Workshop „Forced Migration and Dynamics of Political Mobilisation: Conceptual Approaches, Comparative and Case Studies“
December 7, 2021
This Workshop brings together scholars of interdisciplinary backgrounds who work on topics related to forced migration with a particular focus on political mobilisation dynamics. Originating from social movement research, mobilisation denotes sustained collective initiatives to bring about or prevent social or political change, operating outside – yet in close interaction with – formal political institutions, whose orientation and leadership they may directly challenge (Khoshneviss & Benford 2017). Political mobilisation focuses on strategic action by individuals or groups towards extending their support base for aims that are directed towards social change (Mayer 1991). The mobilising actors often are ‘authentic’ groups – those affected by discrimination or injustice (Roose 2013; Shadmehr 2014). The angle of mobilisation research hence allows for studies on the agency of individuals and groups under existential pressure, the exploration of the range and limitations of social and/or political engagement, and the change ensuing movements bring about. It also allows for examining cases where actors make efforts to mobilise groups they consider as being affected from injustice to include them in a social movement (Roose 2013).
Contestation over migration and rights in the context of forced displacement - How do we study it?
December 6, 2021
The podium discussion precedes the FFVT scholarly workshop “Forced migration and dynamics of political mobilisation: conceptual approaches, comparative and case studies” on 7 December 2021. While the three workshop panels focus on issues such as diaspora mobilisation, political mobilisation for rights and acts of citizenship, as well as transnational refugee protection versus contentious politics over (im)migration, the podium discussion intends to explore and reflect on academic approaches to study these phenomena.
Refugees: Integration, Harmonisation, Solidarity, Hospitality or what? Philosophies,Policies and Practices in Turkey and Germany
November 26, 2021, Istanbul
Turkey is hosting several million refugees, mostly from Syria but also many other countries. Germany, too, has a long tradition of hosting large numbers of displaced persons and migrants. Both states,and its societies and municipalities share long experiences with migration and the challenges to social cohesion. However, there are major differences in the respective country’s trajectories and perspectives. The conference aims to facilitate an open conversation and cooperation between German and Turkish academics enriched by some international experts on how to think about and how to govern (new) diversity with the view to also underpin the practical challenges especially on the level of municipalities in both countries.
FFVT on point: Forced Migration in Afghanistan and Afghan Refugees in the Region
November 8, 2021
In August 2021, the rapid breakdown of the Afghan government and the subsequent takeover by the Taliban surprised many people in Germany, in the USA, and in allied countries. In the preceding months and after the government collapse, the situation of forced migrants in Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in the region has further deteriorated due to a persisting fragile and complex situation. Therefore, FFVT on point takes up the issue to discuss and assess the current situation together with academics and practitioners.
“You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”. A multi-perspective conversation across professional boundaries.
October 30, 2021, Conference on Migration and Media Awareness (CMMA), Hamburg
With this intervention at the CMMA 2021, the collaborative project "Forced Migration and Refugee Research: Networking and Knowledge Transfer" (FFVT) invites actors from research, politics, public administration, media and civil society to a dialogue in order to facilitate an exchange of experiences and knowledge.
Contested Categories - Issues at the Intersection of Development and Forced Migration Studies
October 4 – September 5, 2021, Online
This workshop addresses the critique of categories and the debates about them in development research and considers their relevance and utility for forced migration studies (FMS). For this purpose, three critically discussed categories in recent years are used as examples: “global South and global North”, “new actors – self-empowerment and emancipation of marginalised groups”, and “digitalisation”. For better contextualisation, the workshop will be accompanied by a keynote lecture on categorisations in development and FMS.
Comparative Forced Migration and Refugee Studies – reflexive, postcolonial, international
September 28 - 29, 2021
Taking a comparative perspective, this 2-days workshop aims at recognising trajectories and patterns as well as interdependencies but also notorious blind spots or hegemonic practices of knowledge production and subsequently the identification of new research questions in the field of forced migration and displacement processes from around the globe.
Diskussionsabend: Von der Klimakrise in die 'Fluchtkrise'? Wie globale Erwärmung und Migration zusammenhängen
September 24, 2021, Klimaschaufenster Erlangen
Die Diskussionsveranstaltung „Von der Klimakrise in die 'Fluchtkrise'? Wie globale Erwärmung und Migration zusammenhängen“ mit Dr. Benjamin Schraven vom Deutschen Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) findet unter Einhaltung der geltenden Corona-Auflagen in Präsenz am 24.9.21 um 19:15 Uhr im Klimaschaufenster in der Erlanger Altstadtpassage statt.
Diskussion: Flucht und Migration in den Bundestags-Wahlprogrammen
September 13, 2021
Am Montag den 13.9. wird eine Analyse der Bundestags-Wahlprogramme in Hinblick auf die Themen Flucht und Migration veröffentlicht. Im Anschluss wird in dieser öffentlichen Veranstaltung die außenpolitische Dimension von Fluchtmigration diskutiert.
FFVT International Fellowship programme: Applications are now open
August 10, 2021
Strengthening the ties between German research to international Forced Migration and Refugee Studies is a core concern of the project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT).” One important element on the road to stronger networking in this research field is the FFVT Fellowship programme: Its aim is to intensify the exchange between the consortium partners and international researchers.
Advances, Recent Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Forced Migration and Refugee Research in and on Turkey
July 29 - 30, 2021, Osnabrück
The Turkey Migration Studies Network (TurkMiS) workshop “Advances, Recent Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Forced Migration and Refugee Research in and on Turkey”, was the 10th Anniversary Event of TurkMiS and the 15th International Workshop. It took stock of the achievements of the last decade of knowledge production on refugees in Turkey.
Discussing the EP Frontex Scrutiny Working Group’s Report
July 15, 2021, Online
As part of the FFVT-workshop series "Displacement, Immobility and Human Rights", the CHREN is hosting a panel to discuss the results of the European Parliament's "Frontex Scrutiny Working Group".
Participation is open and free of charge, no prior registration is required.
FFVT Fellowship programme: Applications are now open
July 9, 2021
One important element on the road to stronger networking the field of Forced Migration and Refugee Research is the FFVT Fellowship Programme: Its aim is to intensify the exchange between the consortium partners and international researchers. The programme serves to strengthen the research and transfer activities of future fellows in Forced Migration and Refugee Studies.
We invite PhD students and junior researchers whose PhD topic is relevant to our field of research and who have been working on it for about a year as well as post-docs and experienced researchers who are well-established in their research field to apply for the FFVT-fellowship programme.
(Im)mobility in international research cooperation: knowledge and partnerships between the South and North, East and West
June 22, 2021, Online
This workshop provided a platform for representatives of academic and policy-oriented forced migration and refugee networks to engage in a dialogue to explore, discuss and critically reflect on questions of structural and content-related cooperation among networks and in international cooperation projects in the field from Southern, Eastern and Northern perspectives. The objective was to identify opportunities and obstacles and to come up with practical steps that we, as a community, can take to work towards more participatory and co-creative approaches in international knowledge cooperation.
CoNet Connecting Networks – Strengthening international partnerships in refugee and forced migration studies (in cooperation with NWFF)
May 31, 2021
In this workshop, the German Network for Forced Migration Studies (NWFF) and FFVT invited networks from around the world working on issues related to forced migration and refugees to come together to find ways to strengthen the development of international partnerships in this field. This first workshop addressed questions about structural and organisational cooperation among the networks.
Workshop-Series "Displacement, Immobility and Human Rights" 2021
May 27 – July 15, 2021
With this workshop-series, the intersection of displacement, immobility and human rights will be assessed from different dimensions, localities, and including multiple perspectives.
Participation is open and free of charge, no prior registration is required.
"A fresh start? Review of the German EU Council Presidency and analysis of the EU Asylum and Migration Pact"
January 8, 2021
As part of the FFVT project, the CHREN organizes a workshop on January 8th of 2021. In this workshop, the new proposals for an EU Migration and Asylum Pact by the EU Commission and the achievements of the German EU Council Presidency in this regard, were discussed in two panels. For the first panel, Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel and Dr. Lorenz Wiese invited Anuscheh Farahat (CHREN), Gerald Knaus (European Stability Initiative) and Daniel Thym (University of Konstanz / SVR), and for the second panel, Luise Amtsberg (MdB, Die Grünen), Lena Düpont (MdEP, CDU), Cornelia Ernst (MdEP, Die Linke), and Birgit Sippel (MdEP, SPD).
Policy and Practice Dialogue 2020: Refugee Research in Conversation
December 10, 2020
With this event, FFVT entered into dialogue with actors from politics, public administration, media and the public to discuss the diverse experiences with knowledge exchange on the topic of forced migration and refugee studies. The aim of the event was to outline ways in which research on forced migration and refugees in Germany and Europe can contribute as a "voice of evidence" to the social and political debate on flight, asylum and integration.
* The event language was German. Please change the website language setting to German for more information about the event.
Corona, Flight and Human Rights - (3) The accommodation of refugees in Germany and especially in Bavaria
December 1, 2020
For the discussion series "Corona, Flight and Human Rights", the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) invites experts from NGOs, politics, media and academia to report on the situation of refugees and migrants in different regions. Their contributions are moderated by members of the CHREN and assessed from a human rights perspective. In addition, the audience has the opportunity to intervene with questions or comments.
Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel discusses the situation in the "shared accommodations" for refugees in different parts of Germany with a focus on the Bavarian "AnkER centers" as well as their predecessors, the "transit centers", with Dr. Stephan Dünnwald (Bavarian Refugee Council), Lea Gelardi (Centre for Flight and Migration, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Dr. Olaf Kleist (DeZIM).
Local integration of refugees in light of the 2030 Agenda: CRRF and beyond - Connecting Development with Forced Migration and Refugee Studies
November 5 - 6, 2020
In a world of almost 80 million displaced people according to official numbers, forced migration has become a major issue of global development just as much as of humanitarian and political concern. Achieving the global goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015 will not be possible unless the plight of millions of refugees and the needs of their hosting communities—most of which are located in low- and middle-income countries—are addressed in a more sustainable manner than in the past. Protracted violent conflicts have made secure return a distant prospect in most of today’s major refugee situations. At the same time, resettlement into third countries has also remained a privilege for only a fraction of those displaced. Under these conditions, important international documents, such as the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) adopted by UN member states in 2016, call for a paradigm shift: Instead of keeping refugees in camps, countries are called upon to promote the local integration of displaced people. Several refugee hosting countries, most notably in Africa and the Middle East, have begun to implement this new approach.
About the Non/Sense of Distinguishing between Migrants and Refugees
October 1, 2020
While in policy and public, it is often taken for granted to distinguish between migrants and refugees, researchers and practitioners tend to reject a simple dichotomy, and struggle to assign clear labels to the opalescent realities. In this panel debate, hosted by IMIS, we aim to shed light on the diverse legal, scholarly and discursive practices and carve out lines of controversies to better understand the reasoning behind the different approaches.
3rd Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Researchers – Contexts of Displacement, Refugee Protection and Forced Migrants' Lives
September 17 - 19, 2020
The conference opens an international forum for the presentation and discussion of current research results, as well as for supporting interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation. The conference serves as a platform for discussion and networking among researchers in the field of refugee and forced migration studies.
- Event Webseite
- Rückblick
- Recording of the keynote by Naika Foroutan: "Fluchtmigration und Aushandlungsprozesse in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft" (in German)
- Recording of the keynote by Christina Clark-Kazak: "The Future of Forced Migration Research? Ethics and Methods in Politicised (Im)mobility Contexts"
Corona, Flight and Human Rights - (2) The situation of refugees at the Greek external EU borders
July 20, 2020
For the discussion series "Corona, Flight and Human Rights", the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) invites experts from NGOs, politics, media and academia to report on the situation of refugees and migrants in different regions. Their contributions are moderated by members of the CHREN and assessed from a human rights perspective. In addition, the audience has the opportunity to intervene with questions or comments.
Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel and Dr. Lorenz Wiese discuss the situation of refugees stranded at the Greek external borders of the EU with journalist Franziska Grillmeier and Prof. Dr. Anuscheh Farahat (CHREN).
Flight, Governance and Human Rights
July 9 - 10, 2020
As part of the FFVT project, the CHREN organizes a first workshop on July 9th and 10th of 2020. In this workshop, distinguished scientists and politicians address current challenges at the global, European and national levels of asylum, migration, governance and human rights: “Where do the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees lead to?“ “What ought to be done about the Common European Asylum system?“ “What can reasonably be expected from the German EU Council Presidency, starting in July, in the area of migration and refugees – and in view of Corona?”
Vernetzung und Transfer in der Flucht-und Flüchtlingsforschung: FFVT geht online
July 7, 2020
Mit geht ein umfassendes Online-Informationsangebot zur Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung in Deutschland an den Start.
Corona, Forced Migration and Human Rights - (1) Human mobility in West Africa and Libya
June 29, 2020
For the discussion series "Corona, Forced Migration and Human Rights" the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) invites experts* from NGOs, politics, media and science to report on the situation of refugees and migrants* in different regions within the FFVT-project. The contributions will be moderated by members of the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) and classified according to human rights. In addition, the audience will have the opportunity to ask the experts questions.
International Perspectives for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in Germany: Challenges and Opportunities
June 22 - 23, 2020
1st Workshop on International Research Cooperation of “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT)
FFVT aspires to establish sustainable international partnerships with strategically relevant institutions in the medium term. The aim of this first workshop is to initiate a discussion process on how more international visibility of research on refugees and forced migration in Germany can be achieved. Goals and corresponding strategies will be discussed.
Forced migration and refugees: perspectives from peace and conflict research
April 27, 2020
The workshop has the aim to explore the intersection of the two research fields „Peace & Conflict Research“ and „Forced Migratin and Refugee Studies“ and to identify areas for future collaboration.