We are pleased to announce that FFVT is entering its second funding phase with the start of the new year. FFVT will continue to strengthen scientific cooperation and promote scientific qualification, as well as the dialog with politics, civil society and the media. Our focus is on internationalization and diversity.


Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Networking and Knowledge Transfer

The collaborative project "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT) aims to strengthen interdisciplinary research on forced migration and refugees in Germany. To this end, the project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) , brings together research on migration, development, conflict and violence, climate change, health, governance and human rights and other topics. In this way, FFVT supports the networking of researchers and institutes working in all relevant fields of research dealing with forced migration.


FFVT Fellowship programme

Strengthening the ties between German research to international Forced Migration and Refugee Studies is a core concern of the project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT).” So far, German research is only inadequately represented in the international scientific landscape. The Bonn peace and conflict research institute BICC, the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN), the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück are working together as partners to increase the visibility of research in the international scientific landscape.

Call for Applications


Ukraine: Forced Migration Information Hub

Besides causing widespread destruction and immense suffering, the Russian attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022 also forced many people to leave their homes. This has led to mass forced migration and displacement, unprecedented in Europe in this scale and speed since World War II. For this reason, the FFVT project has set up a “Forced Migration Information Hub”. 



IMISCOE Spring Conference

March 17 - 19, 2025 – Danube University, Krems

IMISCOE Standing Committee Forced Migration and Refugees (SCFMR) is organsing a panel on the “Nexus between forced migration and irregularity: impact of policies and ambiguities of knowledge production” (presenters Franck Düvell (UOS), Marta Jaroszewicz (UoW), Lukas Marian Fuchs and Samuel Z. Hagos (both DeZIM), Cecilia Estrada (UPC), Jana Schröder (GCA) and Sonja Fransen (IISS)) at the IMISCOE Spring Conference “The regularity of irregularity” at Danube University, Krems, 17-19/3.


FFVT on point: Ukrainian Forced Displacement – Challenges and Prospects Three Years on

February 24, 2025

Three years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, around 10 million people remain displaced. As the war persists, uncertainty grows among displaced persons, and the number of returnees has declined compared to two years ago. While several million displaced persons have already returned, often due to unviable conditions in other parts of the country, but also abroad, the majority has now been uprooted for two to three years.


Es geht auch anders! Gemeinsam einen neuen Ansatz für Migration und Flucht entwickeln

December 12, 2024 – Theater am Domhof, Osnabrück

Wie gelingt es, Migration nicht länger als Problem darzustellen und eine gesellschaftliche und politische Neuausrichtung anzustoßen, die die Menschenrechte in den Mittelpunkt stellt? Derzeit gibt es zahlreiche Verschärfungen in der Flucht- und Migrationspolitik, die tiefgreifende Konsequenzen haben. Diese Entwicklungen nehmen wir in Kooperation mit der Studierendeninitiative “ThinkTank Migrationspolitik”, Seebrücke Osnabrück und Exil e.V. zum Anlass, um einen Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik als zentrale Akteure zu initiieren. (in German)

Online Discussion

FFVT on point: Flucht und Vertreibung in und um Israel/Palästina – historische und gegenwärtige Dynamiken

September 25, 2024 – IMIS

Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and Israel's subsequent military offensive in the Gaza Strip resulted in widespread displacement and flight. In the Gaza Strip, over 1.5 million Palestinians were and are fleeing attacks by the Israeli military, while thousands of people in Israel have left their homes for fear of attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah. How did flight and expulsion shape the history of Israel and Palestine? What role does this history play in the current conflict and in its political and emotional charge, which extends far beyond the region? How can we talk about these forced migrations and the suffering associated with them without creating and reinforcing polarisation? FFVT on point takes a closer look at these historical and current dynamics of flight and displacement.


5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies

September 16 - 18, 2024

Forced migration and displacement in the context of violent conflicts and natural disasters have been on the rise for years. At the same time, right-wing populist voices against immigration and people seeking protection are gaining attention and influence in many countries.


„Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit“

August 19, 2024 – Martin-Luther-Allee 42, 53175 Bonn

***The event will be held in German***

Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperationen zwischen Ländern mit hohem, mittlerem und niedrigem Einkommen sind ein wichtiges Ziel in der Wissenschaft. Damit Wissenschaftskooperationen noch erfolgreicher durchgeführt werden können, stellt die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission am 19. August 2024 ihr Positionspaper „Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit“ in Bonn vor. Das Event wird gemeinsam von der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission und dem German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) mit seinem Verbundprojekt Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer (FFVT) veranstaltet. Eine Teilnahme ist in Präsenz oder via Zoom möglich.

691 Research projects
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