Online Discussion (Online)

FFVT on point: Flucht und Vertreibung in und um Israel/Palästina – historische und gegenwärtige Dynamiken

Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and Israel's subsequent military offensive in the Gaza Strip resulted in widespread displacement and flight. In the Gaza Strip, over 1.5 million Palestinians were and are fleeing attacks by the Israeli military, while thousands of people in Israel have left their homes for fear of attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah. There is no end in sight to the conflict and the associated refugee movements. The current situation follows on from a long history of flight and displacement in the Middle East, but also in Europe, which has affected and continues to affect countless people in connection with the partition of the British Mandate of Palestine, the founding of the State of Israel and the ongoing conflict since then.  

FFVT on point takes a closer look at these historical and current dynamics of flight and displacement. In the current polarised social debate on the Middle East conflict, FVVT on point aims to make a nuanced contribution to a better understanding of the complex context of ongoing forced migration in and around Israel/Palestine. How did flight and expulsion shape the history of Israel and Palestine? What role does this history play in the current conflict and in its political and emotional charge, which extends far beyond the region? How can we talk about these forced migrations and the suffering associated with them without creating and reinforcing polarisation?

We look forward to the expertise of:

  • Dr Jan Busse, Institute for Political Science, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

  • Prof. Dr Stephan Grigat, Centre for Antisemitism and Racism Studies (CARS). Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia, Aachen.

Moderation: Prof Dr Christine Lang, Dr Franck Düvell, FFVT, IMIS

FFVT on point will take place in German via Zoom Meeting.

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  • German