Flight, Migration, Society – Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
The Master's degree program in Flight, Migration, Society prepares students for later professional activities in practice and research in the field of flight and migration by combining scientific and application-oriented study elements and enables them to contribute to a sustainable development of society.
It focuses on the interdisciplinary analysis of social transformation processes and approaches socio-spatial, economic, socio-cultural, political, legal and psychosocial dimensions of modern immigration societies and global migration dynamics. The program will address the interrelationship of regional and global structures and the historical momentum of migrations as well as different fields of social action – such as media, family, education, language and religion – and identity and foreignness in modern societies.
No admission restriction but aptitude test (e.g. degree from a related discipline with a grade of at least 2.5), also for practitioners with professional experience
Relation to forced migration
various modules related to forced migration (basic module FMS, methods forced migration research, interdisciplinary perspectives such as legal and historical approaches)
European Studies – Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
The Master in European Studies (MES) is a multilingual, interdisciplinary Master's degree programme (M.A.) at the three faculties of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). The MES programme offers courses in German, English, French and Polish from the various faculties of the Viadrina in four areas - Culture, Politics, Law and Business / Business and Law.
The degree programme offers students the opportunity to develop an individual profile, set their own specialisations and conduct more disciplinary or interdisciplinary research. To strengthen their international profile, students can study abroad for a semester or apply for one of the three integrated Double Master's programmes.
completed university degree: depending on the desired central area, 30 ECTS in the area of culture, politics, economics or law; English language skills UniCERT II certificate (or equivalent), German language skills DSH 2 (or equivalent)
Relation to forced migration
Migration can be chosen as an elective (12 ECTS).
Further informationen
Students can apply for three different double master programs (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza in Poznań, Istanbul BILGI University, Sciences Po Strasbourg).
Human Rights Studies in Politics, Law and Society – University of Applied Sciences Fulda
The innovative Master's programme Human Rights Studies in Politics, Law and Society qualifies graduates in social sciences, cultural studies, political science, business, communication and law or philosophy with a special interest in human rights for professional careers as experts in human rights issues.
In this interdisciplinary and social sciences-based study programme, students deal with the historical and current institutionalisation and implementation of human rights in the fields of law, politics and civil society. Legal studies, political science and sociological accesses are used, taking interculturality, diversity and social sciences methodology into account.
No admission restriction; B.A. or comparable degree in social sciences, law, economics or cultural studies, philosophy, social work or similar; in the B.A., acquisition of at least 40 ECTS in social sciences and/or law (up to 20 ECTS can alternatively be proven in the first year of study); proof of good knowledge of the English language
Relation to forced migration
Social, legal and cultural approaches to migration research, compulsory elective module Migration and Human Rightsmethodological seminars
Further informationen
International recruitment,
internship of ten weeks in an institution relevant to human rights issues after 2nd semester
Intercultural Communication and European Studies – University of Applied Sciences Fulda
The Master's programme in Intercultural Communication and European Studies (ICEUS) qualifies students for European, international and intercultural professional fields. The degree programme comprises classes in European Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Communication Studies and Law. Topics include, for example, culturally reflective communication, Europe in the world, European politics and European law, globalisation, transnational governance (Model United Nations conferences), culture and media, etc. The study programme combines scientific foundation with an application orientated components such as through internships, interdisciplinary projects and simulation games.
No admission restriction; B.A. or comparable degree in social sciences, law, cultural studies, or humanities; evidence of a good command of German and English
Relation to forced migration
social, legal and cultural approaches to migration research, optional seminars on refugees (e.g. European refugee law), methodological seminars
Further informationen
International recruitment
excursions to European institutions in Bad Liebenzell / Strasbourg and Brussels
Ten-week internship outside home country after 2nd semester
Interkulturelle Bildung, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit – Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe
The full-time Master's degree program qualifies you for tasks related to migration, plurality, democracy and education. You will acquire a comprehensive and fundamental knowledge of educational, social, cultural and linguistic sciences, philosophy and theology, which supports the development of inter- and transdisciplinary analysis and reflection skills - also for the assessment and further development of educational, social and cultural work in the migration society.
Admission restriction and selection procedure; BA degree in education (including teacher training courses), social sciences, German studies, English studies, Romance studies, theology, philosophy or a related subject area
Relation to forced migration
Focus on migration mainly from an educational and linguistic perspective
Interkulturalität und Integration – Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd
The interdisciplinary Master's programme familiarises students with relevant issues of migration, integration and interculturality. The degree programme looks at different areas and levels of society and is characterised by its strong practical relevance. In this way, a professional qualification is combined with a reflective, practice-oriented education.
Admission free, letter of motivation required
Relation to forced migration
Focus is mainly on the topic of migration.
Further informationen
Double Degree with the Department of Languages and Educational Sciences of the University of Calabria (Italy) is possible.
MA International Migration and Intercultural Relations (IMIB) – Universität Osnabrück
The IMIS Master's programme is an interdisciplinary programme, drawing on the disciplines of Sociology, History, Linguistics, Education, Geography, Psychology, Political Science, Law and Religious Studies. Through the EUMIGS programme, it is possible to spend the second year of study at a partner institution abroad and to complete the programme with a degree from both universities.
Admission restriction, selection procedure (among other things, previous degree, experience in the (non-) scientific field, English B1, proof of language proficiency can be submitted later)
Relation to forced migration
interdisciplinary perspectives of migration research, methodological seminars, in the elective area various modules on the topic of flight
Further informationen
The exchange program European Master in Migration Studies (EuMIGS) enables students to spend the second year of study abroad and to complete the program with a "double degree" from the University of Osnabrück and the respective partner university.
European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR) – Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
EMMIR offers state-of-the-art training in theoretical concepts, empirical methods and transdisciplinary approaches to research on migration. Migration and mobility, forced displacement and refuge – these are issues of global and (supra)national concern, especially at the policy level. The international programme is jointly run by three African, four European and two Asian partners and supported by a wider network of associate partners.
Admission restrictions and requirements (e.g. degree, English at least C1, previous knowledge in migration studies, empirical methods and intercultural relations)
Relation to forced migration
mainly migration research, but in the third semester, among others, a project related to flight can be chosen
Further informationen
Carried out jointly with: Ahfad University for Woman (Sudan), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda), Univerza v Novi Gorici (Slovenia), Jihoveska Buedejovicich (Czech Republic), Universitetet i Stavanger (Norway), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa); Application period starts approx. 1 year before the start of studies
Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft – Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
The dual Master's programme qualifies students with professional experience for tasks related to migration issues, diversity, interculturality and integration. Students are provided with sound social work and social science knowledge combined with migration-related competences.
Admission requirements (including at least 1 year of professional experience, final grade of at least 2.5 and current employment with an institution that is recognized as a dual partner of DHBW CAS)
Relation to forced migration
Modules related to the topics of refugees and flight can be chosen from the study program (e.g. trauma pedagogy after flight and migration, unaccompanied minor refugees)
Further informationen
Dual Master, 65 days of attendance distributed over 3-5 day blocks/month in four semesters (distribution depends on personal module choice) and respective exam dates as well as additional digital learning units
Leitung Bildung Diversität – Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
The Master's programme provides comprehensive transdisciplinary knowledge and skills for work in education, health, social services and management. The optional specialisation in forced displacement and migration qualifies students for, among other things, migration- and integration-related management activities in administrative, social, health and educational institutions as well as in public and private sector institutions.
General admission requirements are a university degree in an undergraduate course of study in a social science, humanities, health, economics or humanities discipline or in childhood education, usually with 210 ECTS credits.
Relation to forced migration
Flight and migration can be chosen as a major field of study.
International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants – TH Würzburg-Schweinfurt
The Master's degree programme, which is taught in English, provides students with technical, social and professional skills for the field of social work with people with migration and refugee backgrounds in an international, European and national context. Students are enabled in a variety of ways to develop and implement solution-focused options for action for the special situation of migrants and displaced people.
Admission requirements (among others BA with 210 ECTS, English B2, German A2, language certificate can be submitted afterwards)
Relation to forced migration
Basic courses in migration law, migration and flight are dealt with primarily in connection with social work perspectives.
Further informationen
M.A. degree, but the degree does not lead to the professional title "state-approved social pedagogue".
A German bachelor's degree in social work is required; participation in summer or winter school is mandatory, costs for which must be borne in part by the student.
Migration und Diversität – Christian-Albrechts- Universität zu Kiel
The single-subject Master's programme imparts practice-oriented knowledge about the extent, opportunities and challenges of migration processes and social diversity with a focus on Germany. Language skills in Polish, Russian, Czech, Turkish, Persian or Arabic are an important prerequisite for your studies and can be acquired during the course of study. Possible specialisations include Cultural Studies, Islamic Studies or Slavic Studies.
No admission restriction, but aptitude test, language skills in Russian, Polish, Arabic, Persian or Turkish (can be submitted later)
Relation to forced migration
mainly socio-psychological and sociological perspective on migration, individual seminars with specific reference to flight (e.g. gender and sexuality in the context of flight and migration)
Further informationen
Language courses offered as electives, reading ability in Arabic (B2) or Persian (B1) or Turkish (B1) or Russian (A2) or Polish (A2) is mandatory, can also be acquired at a later date.
Migration und Globalisierung – Universität Duisburg- Essen
The Master's programme in Sociology focuses on migration as a central aspect of changing societies, in which migration and globalisation are considered in the (world) social context. It addresses cross-border migration, processes and conditions of social participation and global contexts.
90 ECTS in the field of sociology in the Bachelor's degree; Bachelor's grade at least 2.5
Relation to forced migration
Focus is primarily on migration.
Intercultural Conflict Management – Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
The Master's programme represents a transdisciplinary and practice-oriented curriculum that combines a multi-dimensional theoretical and methodological approach to social conflict with a strong focus on participatory practical social action. The programme enables students to implement their specific focus in a broader field of work opportunities.
Admission requirements: among others, at least 1 year of practical experience and 2 letters of recommendation, proof of English skills
Relation to forced migration
Module on human rights, otherwise little reference to flight or migration research.