4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies
September 28 - 30, 2022, Chemnitz
The network conference is considered as a means for communication and networking of researchers in the field of forced migration.
In 2022, it is organized at TU Chemnitz by the Chair of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Research, led by Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius, in cooperation with the German Network for Forced Migration Studies and FFVT.
An overview of dates with FFVT participation and other actors of the FFVT consortium partners can be found here.
- Keynote by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh: "Forced Migration Studies at a Crossroads"
- Keynote by Viktoria Sereda and Franck Düvell: "Ukrainian refugees: distorted perspectives and competing post-colonialisms"
- Commentary by Anila Noor: "Migration Research as Social Criticism or Do we need more Social Criticism in Forced Migration Research?"
- Conference programme
- Panel overview