Ukraine: Forced Migration Information Hub

Information sources

Here, we list a select range of websites that provide up-to-date information on the Russian attack on Ukraine, links to a selection of key documents and analyses, and podcasts of academic events. The documents and links are limited to the topics of "forced migration," "integration," "legal situation," and "war." The information provided on the websites and the reports consists of primarily analytical and/or scholarly information, as well as some relevant primary sources. We deliberately focus on essential sources to provide a short and thus user-friendly list. 

Spaces of internal displacement: Understanding the hidden urban geographies of armed conflict in Ukraine
  • Oleksii Havryliuk

March 31, 2022

  • Forced migration
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Scope, Patterns and Future Development of Displacement. Short Analysis.
  • Franck Düvell
  • Iryna Lapshyna

March 17, 2022

Ukrainian refugees need security. EU’s temporary protection can’t give it
  • Zeynep Şahin Mencütek

March 11, 2022

Die russische Bedrohung der Ukraine: Was könnte das für Vertreibung und Flucht bedeuten?
  • Franck Düvell
  • Iryna Lapshyna

February 14, 2022