
Advances, Recent Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Forced Migration and Refugee Research in and on Turkey

On 29/30 July 2021, the Turkey Migration Studies network (TurkMiS) workshop “Advances, Recent Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Forced Migration and Refugee Research in and on Turkey” was held at IMIS (online). It was the 10th Anniversary Event of TurkMiS and the 15th International Workshop, organized by Dr Franck Düvell (IMIS) and Dr Ali Zafer Sağıroğlu (AYBU) in collaboration with the GIZ and in the context of the FFVT project. We took stock of the achievements of the last decade of knowledge production on refugees in Turkey. We had excellent speakers including a dramatic and moving report from a colleague from Kabul and an exciting policy round table. A workshop report is available.

  • Englisch