Panel: Jordan: The precarious situation of refugees in a partner country of German refugee policy and the need for social work support


As a host country for around 1.4 million refugees, mainly from Syria, Jordan is of considerable importance for Germany's European refugee policy. This is because one of the aims of foreign policy and development cooperation is to prevent their onward migration to Europe. In order to achieve this goal, Jordan is intended to be enabled to guarantee refugees adequate living conditions through financial aid and development cooperation projects.

In reality, however, the situation is extremely precarious. However, this situation of refugees has so far received little attention in the European and German debate. Instead, political statements from the German side present Jordan as an anchor of stability in an insecure region and as a safe haven for refugees. In contrast, it should be noted that the situation of refugees in Jordan is characterized by existential insecurity. This applies to their legal residence situation as well as their social and economic living conditions.

Refugees are excluded from state benefits for the national poverty population. They are supported solely by the UNHCR, the World Food Program and the numerous aid projects carried out by international, national and local NGOs. In this respect, however, the available resources for financial support are completely inadequate; in addition, there are structural limits to the possibilities and professionalization deficits in the field of social work with refugees.

The aim of the panel is to provide an insight into the precarious situation of refugees in Jordan and to initiate a discussion on how this can be improved through European, German and Jordanian policy measures.

face to face, may switch to hybrid