Panel: Towards anticipatory and sustainable migration governance


The refugee movement in 2015/2016 has had a lasting impact on European and German migration policy. (1) In connection with the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), there are calls for a fair and sustainable migration policy instead of ad hoc measures (COM 2020/609). New agreements and regulations are being discussed at various governance levels in order to overcome the challenges. But what does sustainability and a crisis-proof, forward-looking migration policy mean in concrete terms? The panel invites researchers, experts and refugees to discuss an anticipatory and sustainable perspective on the topics of flight, migration and integration. The topic can be addressed with regard to a theoretical, philosophical/ethical and practice-oriented dimension and refers to all actors at the different levels of migration governance. Experiences from various fields of practice and research, such as humanitarian aid (where "anticipatory action systems" (2) have been established in over 50 countries), European asylum policy, national integration and refugee policy or municipal administration are welcome. The forward-looking sustainability perspective refers to all forms of migration and reasons for which people leave their homes temporarily or permanently. The panel is part of the third conference theme, which deals with best practices and innovative solutions.

in-person or hybrid will be announced