Roundtable: Home and Belonging. The Hidden Cost of Integration and Belonging on Familial Ties among Refugees


The forced migration of Syrian refugees to Europe has brought about profound social changes, with individuals striving to build new lives while grappling with bureaucratic hurdles, language barriers, inclusion into the labour market, and social isolation. This panel aims to explore the consequences of these social changes on familial ties within refugee households. We are particularly interested in understanding the micro-level challenges faced by refugees and the influence of societal factors on maintaining cohesive family structures.

While much attention has been given to refugees’ mobility patterns as well as inclusion in employment and access to rights in the host countries, less is discussed about how displacement influence the familial dynamics in refugee households. Still studies on research on Syrian refugees’ intrafamilial relations, parental functioning and gender roles is limited (Kargın 2023; Koç and Saraç 2020; Ruis 2019).

We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute to a panel that delves into the intricacies of familial ties among Syrian refugees in Germany. This panel seeks to uncover the impact of belonging on family structures and relationships, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals navigating through the complexities of forced migration, integration, and adaptation to a new socio-cultural environment.

By uncovering the hidden dynamics within refugee families, this panel aims to provide valuable insights into the societal ramifications of these transformations on German society. We seek contributions that bridge academic understanding with practical implications, fostering a comprehensive exploration of integrational complexities in the lives of Syrian refugees in Europe.

in-person event or hybrid will be announced