Workshop: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Interactive Workshop on Enhancing Refugee Integration and Social Justice


This interactive workshop, "Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges," is designed to discuss the multifaceted challenges of refugee integration, focusing on social justice concerning legal security, access to education, healthcare, and social and economic participation. Aligning with the conference's theme, the workshop aims to illuminate the intricate interplay of these issues within the context of forced migration and explore innovative solutions for the challenges faced by refugees and their host communities.

Furthermore, the workshop will incorporate gender-critical, queer, and post/de-colonial perspectives, offering a comprehensive view of the refugee experience. It will also delve into the role of media in shaping public discourse on forced migration and integration, and its impact on policy and practice.

Key interactive segments will include:

  1. Case Study Exploration: Delve into the findings of two research projects focused on refugee experiences in Germany’s Willkommensklassen and Finland.

  2. Discussion Circles: Small group discussions focusing on specific challenges such as language barriers, education gaps, lack of trust, bureaucratic complexities and discrimination faced by refugees.

  3. Strategy Development Sessions: Collaborative brainstorming to devise practical solutions for enhancing integration and promoting social justice.

The workshop is designed for a diverse audience, including refugee and non-refugee academics, practitioners, students, and policymakers. It will facilitate a dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences, fostering an environment of learning and collaborative problem-solving.

Expected Outcomes:

Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the complexities of refugee integration, equipped with practical strategies and innovative approaches to enhance the inclusivity and effectiveness of integration initiatives. The workshop aims to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on refugee protection, integration and well-being, highlighting the crucial role of various stakeholders in this endeavour.

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